Senin Tgl 7 November 2016 = Hari Uposatha

Besok Hari Senin Tgl 7 November 2016 = Hari Uposatha
Yuk Mari Kita Melaksanakan Uposatha Sila & Bermeditasi
" Walaupun seseorang hidup seratus tahun, tetapi memiliki kelakuan buruk dan tak terkendali, sesungguhnya lebih baik adalah kehidupan sehari dari orang yang memiliki SILA dan tekun BERSAMADHI."

Keep beautiful heart with doing good deeds. Keep balance and peaceful of the body, mind and universe. See everything as they realy are.

Lets practice Morality, Meditation, and Wisdom.
Spread loving kindness and compassion.
Stillness and deep contemplation.

May all beings be well, healthy mind and body, peaceful and happy.
Good night